FUCK YES!  I'm applying!

Conscious Commerce™ Collective

Conscious Commerce Collective

Build, Stabilize, and Scale Your Brilliant Business.  On Purpose, For Good.

keep scrolling if you're into it.


That ‘one size fits most’ course sold to you as THE ONLY answer to your six or seven figure dream life you took three years ago? 

Those business coaches showing you THE ONLY STRATEGY to have a profitable business (whether it’s high-ticket, one program, many programs)??? 

Those step-by-step tactics you tried following to make ‘all that money’ *makes it rain gesture* that did nothing but confuse your audience? 

And yet…They ALL feel like they should HAVE BEEN the air-tight answer, don’t they? After all, these folks are the purported experts.

Right? Riiiiiiiiight?!?!?!?!

You started a business.  But now you're ready to (or at leassssst want to) build a company. But...how? 

All these formulas? They work...kinda. At least for awhile.

To do this requires a crucial ingredient:  YOU.  All of you.  Fully incandescent, shining in all your brilliance.  AND skills.  AND capacity.  And a team. And and and...

IT IS A WHOLE LOT.  And.  The entire team at in our community specialises in demystifying this for you. 

Because...Recycling business models doesn't work for corporations, and it sure as hell doesn't work for small businesses either (no matter what phase of growth they are in).

Much of that advice isn't for you, if you're trying to build, stabilize, or scale a conscious commerce™, company. An entity beyond you, that will have impact long after you make your strategic exit.  

but guess what...

The Conscious Commerce Collective exists to support entrepreneurs in building, stabilizing, or scaling companies that are looking to create ecosystems hell-bent on improving human flourishing. 

We're talking the flourishing of you (as the founder), the team's capacity to love their work, your clients' success, and frankly the flourishing of every stake and shareholder your business touches.

So...You Want To Grow Your Business In Impact And Profits YOUR way.

Even in the cesspool of Capitalism. 

Frankly if...
Someone can sell mooseturds as art,
or jewelry made of human teeth
or farts in a jar
and make BANK of it?  

THEN I’M PRETTY DAMN SURE YOUR DREAM COMPANY CAN MAKE DARN GOOD MONEY (and leave a positive impact while you're at it). 

In fact, we're willing to bet on it.


Someone can sell mooseturds as art,
or jewelry made of human teeth
or farts in a jar
and make BANK of it?  

THEN I’M PRETTY DAMN SURE YOUR DREAM COMPANY CAN MAKE DARN GOOD MONEY (and leave a positive impact while you're at it). 

In fact, we're willing to bet on it.


I've looked at - and hired - a lot of business coaches, but no one else is like Makenna Held. There are three main reasons why I keep coming back. First, Makenna has a gift for bringing together diverse groups of people who are incredible to be around.  Second, she isn't one-size-fits all.  Third, with Makenna in my corner, I take more and better action. I've developed clarity and confidence about my numbers and my way forward - which recently resulted in my first multiple five figure month!

- Deb Shine Valentine, PhD (she, her, hers)
Life and leadership coach for changemakers, healers and educators who are committed to equity, justice AND joy!

"I finally had my first
five figure month!"

the Conscious Commerce Collective?

So what exactly is 

Think of this space/mastermind as a premier business and leadership program for entrepreneurs ready to shift from 'My business is me' to 'an organization of we'.  To build from a place of Conscious Commerce®.  No matter whether you are currently building, stabilizing, or scaling.   (You can only do ONE of those things at a time). 

All of it built around your capacity, your business values, and nothing one size fits some.

building a business from a place of your dreams.  And with your values firmly, absolutely, beautifully in tact.  In service of your vision for a better world.  

Engaging both in the building of your business, and buying from other providers consciously.  Commerce is a two way street.  And we all engage in it constantly.  

lead decision-maker, vision holder, and 'big cheese' within an organization. NOT a boss, but rather the human being tasked with - and responsible for - cultivating, integrating, and implementing the direction and strategy of an organization or business.

(Psssst…THAT is you, my friend).

What I mean is...

Conscious Commerce™


Before you even START with the eyeroll of ‘oh here’s another coach talking about CONSCIOUSNESS and COMMERCE and being a CEO,’ let me ask you to pause. 

And that is exactly what the Conscious Commerce® Collective sets out to do with and for YOU...

Step into your comfort and joy with receiving the next-level BIG money within your company (whatever that means to you)

Your mission over the next 12 months if you join us?

Create nourishing livelihoods & vibrant company culture for yourself and team 



It's a good one.

Step out of cookie cutter business marketing & sales strategies, and build a strategy that works, and brings joy


Say 'fuck it' to imposter syndrome - because if someone selling moose turds can make a solid six-figures, YOU can, too (if you'd like)


Emerge with an ideal business model (with room to grow) & profit plan built to your values.



How do we cultivate this capacity?  Using a proven framework wherein we...

We work with building from a place of mission, vision, and values.  And help you find all the places where your business has impacts (good and bad), and how you can do 'do better' as a company. 

Including:  how you pay people who work with you, the contractors, who you hire, how you sell, what land your company occupies and so much more.

Build a conscious commerce™ Strategy FOR YOUR COMPANY

As a founder, you are the linchpin to your company culture.  Your capacity, your vision, your ability to hold the vision, and lead the team you hire?  THAT is where the rubber hits the road.  We focus on you, first.

Cultivate YOUR capacity

Explore And Evaluate Impact

Your REVENUE is one impact point.  Your RETENTION of clients and team is another.  We look at how your Conscious Commerce™ Company engages directly with the world, and the ripple effects it has.  Your GIVEBACK strategy is another.  We evaluate ever metric based on YOUR culture you build. 


This circle is for those who haven’t *quite* found themselves at consistent, expansive-feeling revenue. Yet. But you’re damn ready for it.  

You’re making *some* money. Maybe even as much as $10,000 a month. But it’s all over the place, you're doing it mostly all by yourself, and you’re not really sure *how* to grow from here. You’re feeling super *stressed* about ALLTHETHINGS, and you don’t have a solid team to support you. Yet. 

What's in it for you by the end of 12 months? Consistent revenue. Less waffling. Make your first employee (not contractor) hire.

This is not a one size fits all program.  We have three tiers of support built with different stages in mind:


You’re making decent money, but you’re ready to double your current revenues and do so in a way that serves you, your team (if you’ve got one), and your clients.  

You are getting by. You may feel a little ho hum with what you’ve built - chances are, your clients are feelin' it too - but you KNOW it can be great. So, you are ready - and know it’s time - to BUST THROUGH that ceiling. You need it. Your business needs it. Your clients need it.

What's in it for you by the end? All of the above. PLUS systems that work FOR you. Commitment to staying in your own lane, doing what you absolutely kick ass at, so you can THRIVEEEEEE.


You are the business owner who already feels like you've ‘figured it out’. Who’s consistently landing solid $50k+ months and is ready to scale a team to help you grow to seven figures plus. You are ready to bring ease to your business through simple solutions you can use over and over (how is THAT for sustainability?).

It's time to
Reclaim your time and energy
Reclaim your passion and power
Reclaim your life
AND scale your business simultaneously 

Tailored to you and where you are now, for where you want to go. No holds barred. Your wildest dreams will be voiced, accepted, focused upon (and supported) here. 

Sink into that ease. Sigh that relief. And then keep doing that over and over.

Makenna helped me find pathways to connect with my community through my work (and by extension my personal life) that feel radically aligned with my values: generative, inspiring and organic. Working with her is deep permission to be true to who I am and what I have to give to the world while maintaining consent, integrity, and authenticity in my marketing. Not only has she supported me doing the culture changing that I am most on fire to do, but to do so in a way that has increased my field of influence, energetic and financial health and sustainably.  

artemisia shine, wild heart healing arts


landed a MAJOR Consultant and Teaching contract

"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"


Made six figures:


real results working with Makenna

A year from now you just might wish
you would have applied today....

So let's get  started!

The money stories that 'money is evil', or that 'money is everything' are both limiting beliefs that capitalism wants you to believe. It sure as hell doesn't want empowered, vibrant humans creating LIVELY livelihoods for themselves, because then....How the hell do we get anyone to continue working for peanuts when they see what IS possible in the workplace?  YOU. CAN'T. UNSEE. IT.

So, if you're ready to decondition all that?  

The Conscious Commerce Collective is a business coaching, mentoring, and educational program like no other. 

The reason why your business hasn't been as successful as you might wish it to be is likely not your fault, per se. It's the fault of your conditioning by the cishet, white, capitalist patriarchy telling you that money isn't a good thing for YOU to have.

You're in the right place.

A Quarterly One-on-One Call with our Program Director to understand your key metrics of what will make this successful for you and what you find to be crucial measures for YOUR success.

Unlimited OH FUCK calls with our Navigation Assistant. Feeling lost or need a pat on the back?  She's got you.

Group coaching for every area of your business, when you need it.

Copy, Operations, Marketing, Leadership, and much more.

There's a nervous system friendly community (OUR OWN!). Retreats. Nervous System Integration Calls. Future Writing Sessions. Facilitated deep work sessions. And a lot more than I can fit on a sales page.  

EVERY OTHER WEEK you'll be in a small group coaching circle with Makenna, and with peers who are at a similar stage in business.

What's Actually Included in your membership?

Psst...This is just the tip of the iceburg. We'll give you the breakdown once you apply.

Apply Now

WEEKLY copy reviews from our Copy Coach.  She will read your copy each week, and provide in-depth feedback.  On whatever you're working on.  (And of course, the feedback only gets better over time!)

And goes up to $5000 a month. Based on where you are, what you need, and what your goals are.  

Your application for this program is utterly risk free, and NO ONE will pressure you to join once you submit. We'll review it, and decide what tier is a good fit for you, and we'll offer you a custom sales page with ALL THE DETALS you could possibly need.  No sneaky, pay-in-full, deep discounts. (But if you pay in full we donate ONE MONTH of your payments split between the National Network of Abortion Funds AND Loving Single Black Mothers). 

It depends. 

Our program starts at $1200 a month.    


Screw manipulative tactics

So...how much is this?

"I've greatly increased my capacity."

Working in Makenna’s Conscious Commerce Collective provides a very clear understanding of the different facets of what it means to be in charge of my business. On all fronts. My work is such an important part of who I am, and the collective has provided me support while helping me develop practices to help me stay in alignment. Doing so results in the ability to do and receive more, OR, to be able to choose more selectively how I spend my time, from a grounded place. 


Quit a job she hated, got a new one at double the rate, and expanded her consulting too!

Word on the Street

"If you're on the fence, let me just say... you've gotta work with Makenna."


"My life changed drastically in a number of remarkable ways"


Built and held new boundaries

I built this table for the dreamers, the vision chasers, the people who dare to think different.  Nab your seat.

Have a streamlined, effective business model that supports your wildest dreams AND values.  And engages with your Conscious Commerce® Strategy.

Grow your team by at least one crucial hire, and learn that hiring can be easy and full of returns for all involved

You will have grown your business by a minimum of 2x monthly revenue (from when you started) - if not 2x your annual revenue

Know exactly what you need to take your business to the next level of 'scale', and have the profit plan to make it happen

Know exactly how to compensate yourself, your team, and future hires without constantly gnawing it over in your brain

A refined mindset that is vibrant and focused on personal & professional growth, but doesn't obsess or worry from where the next cashflow is coming

By the end of a year in the Conscious Commerce Collective, our hope for you...

Apply Now

Working with Makenna is like taking your bra off after a long hard day. You didn’t even know it was bugging you, but once it’s off? You can finally breathe and new things are possible. She leans, takes everything in. And then leans back to let it all integrate before speaking. Her insights are integrated. Her coaching feels like being cherished. In all my (over) investment in coaching, my time with her gave me the foundational and strategic shift to allow my business to surge forward.  

— Karen Fritz

"It's like taking your bra off after a long day."

Makenna met me exactly where I was, gave me a map for getting to where I wanted to be and then gave me the tools to get there. The added bonus of an accountability partner kept me on track between calls. 

I get to go where I want to go at MY pace, so if I don't get to my income target by the end of my first year (I'm halfway there and I don't want to grow anymore right now *chuckle*), I still have a map! and tools!!! as well as a long-lasting relationship with my accountability buddy.

LILA simmons of lila sage heals

"Makenna met me exactly where I was."

"And another one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."

and another NAME GOES HERE

"This program has gotten me my dream clients!"

I'm Makenna Held

My big vision for the world? 

Building businesses and training leaders to create ecosystems that are hell-bent on supporting human flourishing.  Because COMMERCE is CRUCIAL to human flourishing, capitalism is not.  And I believe that COMMERCE is a way forward to increased freedom for more people.  And leaders need to step up and lead the way to new structures.  

I'm the kind of person who would meet you once and say 'do you want to be my friend?' I'm also a badass business coach, TV star, business owner, home cook celebrity, and yes...I am THAT woman who bought Julia Child's former summer home in 2016.  Need to know more about my expertise and who I am before you apply? I'm an open book.  Simply shoot me a chat, and I'll respond...personally.

hey there! If you don't know me yet...

I wasn't always a believer that making money was 'good'

Or that commerce is crucial.  Or that commerce and companies could be consciously built.  In fact, I was terrified of money for oh-so-many years.  I used to feel like I couldn't afford to spend $200, let alone $2000. I charged less than $50 an hour for my first coaching packages, and less than $3000 for an all-inclusive week at the Courageous Cooking School.

I used to believe I could never afford a mortgage.

Suffice to say, my money/leadership/business story sucked. EVEN THOUGH I had been raised with a better one. I still had a boat load of societal conditioning, and work to do.

It took years for me to reconcile my desire to celebrate human flourishing with my desire to influence the fall of the cishet, white supremacist, patriarchy of DOOM that much of the world suffers under. I've done the work. It's possible.

becoming a ConfidenT BUSINESS LEADER is possible for you, too. In whatever way your vision demands you show up. 

Money is simply a thing.
Not energy. Not magic.

A  thing.

This program is incredibly unique.  I built it to fill a gap that I saw in the market. After years in coaching programs, and a freaking MBA and PhD program...

IT UNIFIES a number of things that are often dealt with in silos...or that you would normally need 10 coaches to get it 'all'. 

The program includes a lot of 'energetics' in a very grounded way...Including....

Capacity-building, De-conditioning & Release work, Leadership development, Nervous system regulation, Manifestation, Embodiment practices, Human design integration, Support (from other humans), Community, Receiving work...and THAT is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg! 


Together, with myself and the entire coaching team, we'll hone and expand your business model. We'll take your strengths and turn what you already have into a lean, mean, profit AND joy-producing machine that serves your people and your bank account.  

Because a business that doesn't make money...is a hobby.  And while we absolutely need hobbies (mine include hiking; pilates; snow, water, and heli-sking), as entrepreneurs, we need to make that dinero, darlin'!

Because we have bills to pay, new worlds to create, thriving livelihoods to build for our team members, and like...you might want to buy a couple (or beaucoup) well-made, nice things for yourself, too.  

Courses ONLY when you need them. No busy work.

Regular (near daily) Holistic

A community of supportive peers & Mentors who know what entrepreneurship is like

A framework that is flexible, personalizable, and effective

Your business, and how you interact with it have a unique energetic.

That's why so much of the tactical, one-size-fits-all business courses do more harm than good. Getting clear on your desired outcomes is what causes your business to work. Not an arbitrary 'I want more money'. Because a business that's only job is to make money? Isn't a company. It's a racket.  

Let's build a company you're not just proud to run, but that others are proud to support. One that supports you, your vision, and your people in the process.

Group Coaching & Strategic Support

A Diverse and Supportive Community 

Business model development support and education

Facilitated Deepwork Focus sessions AND Goal Setting Practices that actually shift your inner world

Embodiment opportunities including:  EFT, retreats, hard and soft skills work, movement videos, and more

The Conscious Commerce Collective has pretty much anything you could need to thrive and grow over the next year...

Apply Now

Apply Now

Our application is built to be thorough, and to provide you A LOT of insight into where you are... It's a really good 'clarity' assignment and 'where you are' questionnaire. We didn't make it expansive for our benefit, I did it so that the application itself is valuable to you.  

You are under NO obligation to join if you apply.  And once you apply, you'll get to have a conversation with our Program Director, AND you'll receive an offer that is built for exactly what you need in your business.  Right. Now.  



This      for you if:

You want to make more money FOR YOUR COMPANY (and yourself) in a way that feels expansive

You're done with being overwhelmed by your business

You are ready to build a COMPANY, not just a hobby or a business

You're TOTALLY STOKED to say 'fuck you capitalism' and make money anyway

You're willing to jump all in and be a Supporter for other entrepreneurs along the journey AND be supported in turn (Absolutely no mean girl/bully boy energy welcome)

You want to curate a business that is supportive of youR EnERGETICS - not just copy a tactic from someone else and hope it works for you



Let's Do This Thing!

Lila Simmons

Program Director

Susie Csomer

COpyWriting Coach

The dream team

Ruby Peel

Navigation Assistant

Susie Csomer

COpyWriting Coach

Anna Barab

Director of Impact for Conscious Commerce Collective, Chief Education Officer of Okay, perfect

Practical mystic and nervous system regulator extraordinaire.  Certified in ALL THE THINGS (so you don't have to be).  Her mission is to get you in the best 'capacity possibility' of your life, through all the bumps.  

Educator.  Copywriter.  Futurist.  Believer in all things possible.  Her superpower is really seeing you, and making sure that the copy you're working through is as correctly 'on-brand' as possible.  

She's here to make sure that your time in the collective is smooth as creamy peanut butter.  Missing a gift?  Give her a ring.  Trying to book tickets to a retreat and need answers?  She's got you.  Need a pick-me-up phone call?  She's your girl.  Her whole purpose in this space is to make your life more beautiful, and a bit easier.

Impact analyst and educational expert.  She left her tenure track professor gig to join the team to shift how individuals relate to their educational experiences at Okay, Perfect.

Mary Alice Duff

The bread to the Okay, Perfect team butter.  Operations expert, and pretty much the best human you could have on your side.  She supported the team in growing Okay, Perfect from just under $500k a year, to over $1 million a year

Director of operations at Okay, Perfect

Erin Zimmerman

Makenna's creative 2nd (it's a tie with Chris) in command.  She's the EP of our production side of Okay, Perfect and has served as pretty much EVERY ROLE on the team

Chris Nylund

Tattooed rock-n-roll librarian who builds courses with ease.  He's in the space to support course building.  Along with Anna.  

CurRiculum Designer 

Producer at Okay, perfect

Can I join as a brand new business owner?

Not really.  It's not really built for that, and our coaching staff isn't really built for it.  You should be making $3000 (on average) a month in the past quarter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the collective work for personal brands AND business brands?

Depends.  Are you wanting to turn your 'personal brand' into a real company with a mission, vision, values?  And work towards something beyond you?  Then yes.  If you answer no to that, then no.

I'm not sure I can afford this right now - how often do you open enrollment?

It's always open.  And the pricing is sliding scale based on the level of support and where you are in your business.  We also have a number of scholarships and financing options.  To find out about all that, you'll need to apply first, so we can learn about you and figure out which tier is right for you.  Tiers start at $1000 a month.

How can you guarantee that I will double my revenue by the end?

The thing is...we can't guarantee anything. Your success is up to you! If you are ready to make moves like doubling your revenue - and others listed above - we can provide the support, tools, and next steps to get you there.  

Why such a focus on income generation?

Because a business should make money.  The 'how much' is important, but the 'how and why and what for and from who and all the ethics involved' are super important too.  Overall, income generation within a business is pretty much what a business is in EXISTENCE to do.  Otherwise, it's no business.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

How much personal attention will I get?

A lot. Basically as much as you need, within reason.  You get WEEKLY copy one-on-one feedback, access to plenty of people to support you, and plenty of one-on-one attention in the calls and within the community space.  

How do I know if I'm ready or not?

Well, you apply.  We read your application.  We send you a custom offer page, considering a number of factors. Then you have a week to say YES or NO.  You'll know by then if you're ready or not.  We'll tell you if we don't think we can support you effectively.  We'll never force a sale.  We'll only offer you a spot if it's a good fit.  Promise.


humans already in the container


Number of times I cried about that


Average increase in revenue after six months working with us

500k Hours

Coaching experience (at least) on the team
Apply NoW

The nifty thing? There is no risk to apply. All you have to do is say "OK! I'll give this exploratory questionnaire a shot and maybe I'll learn something in the process"

Still on the fence?